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Congratulations, you've taken the first step toward losing weight, shaping your body, and balancing your hormones 💛

Have you ever tried a diet only to be let down... 
… and if the diet works, you eventually regain all the weight anyway?
You're not alone. 
A staggering 96% of people who try diets will fail…

So it might surprise you to hear that the best way to lose weight, get into shape, and feel good is to ditch conventional dieting — for good!

Introducing The 7 Day Challenge... 

The 7-Day Challenge will teach you 7 of the most powerful skills and secrets possessed by the 4% of people who manage to sustain their weight loss results long-term. 

We refer to these women as The 4% Club. 

Committing yourself wholeheartedly to the Challenge will create the momentum and motivation you need to feel energised, confident and healthy.  

And don't worry about time or money… It only takes a few minutes daily,

and it's completely  FREE. So put your credit card away and get started right now. 


To get going, we need you to complete a few simple steps below... 

Create Your Membership Account
Join the Facebook Group
Check Your Emails 
We're excited to have you join our community of women and look forward to seeing your amazing results. 
Kind regards, 
The 4% Club Team 
P.S. If you are still unsure….

The 7-Day Challenge Is For You If….

You struggle with weight management and intense cravings. 

You're stuck in a cycle of losing weight and putting it back on again (plus interest). 

​What worked in your 20s and 30s doesn't anymore. 

Deep down, you wish you could enjoy a more active and fun life, but it feels like your body is holding you back.

​Sleeping troubles, dull skin, tummy bloat, fatigue and other unexpected issues have left you feeling like a shell of your former self.

​You worry about the future… you know that women over 40 have a higher risk of developing heart disease and osteoporosis.

If you can relate to even one of those points, then we want you to know…

It's not your fault.

Look, there's no point sugar-coating it — your body has changed, and your hormones and metabolism are different now…
Instead, you should embrace the changes… And learn to work with them.
That's precisely what we do for women at The 4% Club. 

So If You Want To...


✔️ Manage your weight (without restrictive dieting)

​✔️ Fire up your metabolism (without spending hours in the gym)

✔️ ​Improve your health and energy (quick and easy)

✔️ Balance your hormones (to feel like your old self again)

The 7 Day Challenge is for you!


What's Included

✔️ A membership website with videos and written instructions that will walk you through the 7-day Challenge step by step. 

✔️ A supportive women's only community. A safe place for you to connect with like-minded women. 
✔️ Loads of lifestyle resources so you can achieve the results you want.

✔️ Healthy recipes and meal plans to keep you on track.

What Our Members Are Saying



To get going, we need you to complete a few simple steps below... 

Create Your Membership Account
Join the Facebook Group
Check Your Emails 
We're excited to have you join our community of women and look forward to seeing your amazing results. 
Kind regards, 
The 4% Club Team 
P.S. If you are still unsure….
You have nothing to lose.. except a few unwanted kilos.